Other ccTLDs
域名類型 首年註冊() 續費(/年) 轉入()
.aaa.pro 1482.17 1482.17 1482.17
.aca.pro 1482.17 1482.17 1482.17
.academy Online educational hub: .academy 156.77 185.01 185.01
.accountant Online presentation for accounting services: .accountant 101.85 101.85 101.85
.accountants Online ccounting services 117.56 618.67 618.67
.acct.pro 1482.17 1482.17 1482.17
.adult The Most Searched Adult Keywords Are Now TLDs 635.24 635.24 635.24
.agency Millions of .com domain names have already been purchased. 39.14 122.23 122.23
.apartments Online space for apartments, leasing agents, renters. 304.98 304.98 304.98
.app 117.56 117.56 117.56
.art The ART WORLDS EXCLUSIVE DOMAIN 86.21 86.21 86.21
.associates Associate with people with .ASSOCIATES 185.01 185.01 185.01
.audio Audio,For producers. For engineers. For musicians. 948.85 948.85 948.85
.auto For manufacturers. For mechanics. For enthusiasts. 18813.52 18813.52 18813.52
.avocat.pro 1482.17 1482.17 1482.17
.bar Millions of .com domain names have already been purchased. 478.40 478.40 478.40
.bar.pro 1482.17 1482.17 1482.17
.bargains Millions of .com domain names have already been purchased. 185.01 185.01 185.01
.bayern Millions of .com domain names have already been purchased. 271.29 271.29 271.29
.beer .Beer has been adopted by beer enthusiasts everywhere! 188.13 188.13 188.13
.bet From sports betting to casino-style gaming! 170.00 170.00 170.00
.bid The new .BID generic provides an anchor online 31.28 31.28 31.28
.bike many of us find our happy place on our bike. 78.35 185.01 185.01
.bingo Online bingo space for bingo players 304.98 304.98 304.98
.black the perfect domain for remarkable people and alluring brands 86.21 512.94 512.94
.blackfriday .Blackfriday, for retailers, businesses, and shoppers. 948.85 948.85 948.85
.blog For all the ways you share. Join the blogging evolution. 78.35 192.87 192.87
.blue BLUE is the most popular color! 27.39 170.00 170.00
.boutique .Reach out to more CUSTOMERS WITH A .BOUTIQUE DOMAIN NAME 185.01 185.01 185.01
.builders Build your online website with .builders. 185.01 185.01 185.01
.business The .business website is your business online presence. 304.98 304.98 124.64
.cab Attract more online traffic to your transportation service. 185.01 185.01 185.01
.cafe Market your .cafe business online. 78.35 187.35 187.35
.camera Exporse your site with .camera 185.01 185.01 185.01
.camp Construct your outdoors website WITH .CAMP domain. 304.98 304.98 318.28
.capital tells potential investors that you are in financial field. 117.56 302.65 302.65
.car For performance. For direction. For speed. 18813.52 18813.52 18813.52
.cards Gaming cards, greeting cards, E-cards, and business cards. 185.01 185.01 185.01
.care .CARE is an open TLD with no registration restrictions. 156.77 185.01 185.01
.careers .CAREERS is an open TLD with no registration restrictions. 302.65 302.65 302.65
.cars For performance. For direction. For speed. 18813.52 18813.52 18813.52
.casa instant connection with the Spanish-speaking market of home 50.89 50.89 50.89
.cash clearly realtes to physical money. 78.35 185.01 185.01
.casino relates to a place where people gamble. 313.62 933.14 933.14
.catering clearly relates to businesses providing a food service. 185.01 185.01 185.01
New TLDs
域名類型 首年註冊() 續費(/年) 轉入()
.asia Connect with the Largest Internet Marketplace with one domain 101.85 101.85 101.85
.biz It is intended for registration of domains to be used by businesses. 97.10 97.10 97.10
.bz Millions of .com domain names have already been purchased. 195.98 195.98 195.98
.cat 156.77 203.84 203.84
gTLDs & ccTLDs
域名類型 首年註冊() 續費(/年) 轉入()
.ag Originally represent the commercial of a website. 697.87 697.87 697.87